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CfP: Tenth EREH Fast Track Meeting

The previous fast track meetings were held in Paris, Lisbon, Berlin, and London, and recently online. They were organized by the European Historical Economics Society and the editors of the European Review of Economic History. Those meetings resulted in the publication of several high-quality papers in the European Review of Economic History. The idea of the meeting is to provide feedback and coaching to junior scholars (those no more than five years from completion of their PhD) working in any field of economic history and to give them a chance to see their articles appear in print quickly.

Submission guidelines

If you wish to participate, please send an abstract or preferably a draft paper (.pdf) along with the title, abstract and author(s) to Steven Nafziger (co-editor of the European Review of Economic History) no later than February 24, 2025.

Paper evaluation

The most promising proposals will be selected for the Fast Track Meeting by the Review’s editors by mid-March, with full drafts of the selected papers due at the beginning of April. The meeting will take place online in mid-April (time/date for presentations will be scheduled based on editors' & authors’ constraints). The presentations will be attended by the editors and potentially a group of external referees. The objective of this meeting is to improve the quality of the submissions and to streamline the process of refereeing. We recognize that diverse ideas, experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives are fundamental to successful publication, and we are committed to ensuring that this panel is inclusive, diverse, and representative of the broad economic history community.

Authors will be invited to edit their papers in response to the online feedback before formally submitting to the Review by the end of April. The editorial board commits to returning editorial decisions and referee reports to the authors in a timely fashion and by no later than the end of May 2025.


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