Third ASE Annual Meeting
The third ASE Annual Meeting has been held on September 14-15th, 2018, at Bocconi University (co-organised and hosted by the Department of Social and Political Sciences).

September 14-15th, 2018
Bocconi University (co-organised and hosted by the Department of Social and Political Sciences).
Friday (Via Röntgen 1, room AS03):
12:00−14:00 Registration & buffet lunch
14:00−14:15 Welcome Address and Opening remarks:
Andrea Colli (Bocconi University), Giovanni Vecchi (University of Rome Tor Vergata; President, ASE), Alessandro Nuvolari (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna; Editor, Rivista di Storia Economica)
14:30−16:30 2018 ASE Economic History Workshop (session 1):
Martina Miotto (Warwick), Alessandro Iaria (Bristol) and Luigi Pascali (Pompeu Fabra), Navigation, World Trade and the Chronometer
Raffaele Danna (Cambridge), The Spread of Hindu-Arabic Numerals in the Tradition of European Practical Mathematics, a Socio-Economic Perspective: 13th-16th Centuries
Giulia Mancini (Tor Vergata), The Determinants of Female Labor Supply in Italy, 1881-2018
16:30−17:00 Coffee break
17:00−19:00 2018 ASE Economic History Workshop (session 2)
Gianluca Russo (Boston), World War I Casualties and the Rise of Fascism in Italy: Evidence from La Vittoria Mutilata
Marco Molteni (Oxford), Bank Failures: What Failure? Banking Distress and Resolution Policies in Fascist Italy
Mario Carillo (Brown), Agricultural Policy and Long-Run Development: Evidence from Mussolini’s Battle for Grain
20:30 ASE Dinner
Saturday (Piazza Sraffa 13, room N01):
9:00−11:00 Roundtable: Back to Maddison?
Invited speaker: Jutta Bolt, Groningen University
Chair: Giovanni Federico, University of Pisa
Discussants: Alberto Baffigi, Bank of Italy; Stefano Fenoaltea, University of Turin; Vera Zamagni, University of Bologna)
11:00−11:30 Coffee break
11:30−13:00 Third ASE Keynote Lecture: The role of women in economic growth (Jane Humphries, University of Oxford)
13:00−14:15 Buffet lunch
14:15−16:30 ASE official meetings