Sixth ASE Annual Meeting
The sixth ASE Annual Meeting has been held on September 17 and 18, 2021 in Rome at the Bank of Italy (Centro Convegni Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, via Nazionale 190), that co-organised the event.

The sixth ASE Annual Meeting has been held on September 17 and 18 in a hybrid format (a * marks web presentations) at the Bank of Italy (Centro Convegni Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, via Nazionale 190, Rome), that co-organised the event.
Programme (presenters in bold):
Friday 17
13:00−14:10 Registration & light lunch
14:10−14:30 Welcome Address and Opening remarks:
Giovanni Vecchi, University of Rome Tor Vergata and President, ASE; Alessandro Nuvolari, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Editor, Rivista di Storia Economica
14:30−15:30 ASE Stefano Fenoaltea Session:
Chair: Giovanni Vecchi (University of Rome Tor Vergata and President, ASE)
Introductory Remarks - Ignazio Visco (Governor, Banca d'Italia)
Addresses: Aurora Iannello (Fondazione Luigi Einaudi), Christopher Hanes* (Binghamton University), Gianni Toniolo (LUISS).
15:30−17:30 2019 ASE Economic History Workshop (session 1):
Chair: Andrea Colli (Università Bocconi)
Flow of Ideas: Economic Societies and the Rise of Useful Knowledge
Francesco Cinnirella (Università di Bergamo), Erik Hornung (University of Cologne), Julius Koschnick* (London School of Economics)
Discussant: Anna Missiaia* (University of Gothenburg)
The causes and consequences of innovation: evidence from the adoption of steam engines in 19th-century France
Carla Salvo (Università La Sapienza), Leonardo Ridolfi (Università di Siena), Mara Squicciarini (Università Bocconi), Jacob Weisdorf (Università La Sapienza)
Discussant: Alessandro Nuvolari (SSSUP)
Lessons from the early Establishment of Banking Supervision in Italy (1926-1936)
Marco Molteni (Oxford University), Dario Pellegrino (Banca d’Italia)
Discussant: Mauro Rota (Università La Sapienza)
17:30−17:50 Tea & Coffee break
17:50−19:00 Sixth ASE Keynote Lecture
Chair: Francesco Cinnirella (Università di Bergamo)
Incentives, Institutions, and Industrialization: A Prelude to Modern Economic Growth
Joel Mokyr* (Northwestern University)
19:00-21:00 Light Dinner
Saturday 18
9:00−11:00 ASE Economic History Workshop, session 2
Chair: Jacob Weisdorf (Università La Sapienza)
Why do Sovereign Borrowers Post Collateral? Evidence from the 19th Century
Marc Flandreau (University of Pennsylvania), Stefano Pietrosanti (Banca d’Italia), Carlotta E. Schüster (UNCTAD)
Discussant: Andrea Papadia* (University of Bonn)
The Political Economy of the Italian Railway Expansion, 1879-1890
Roberto Bonfatti (Università di Padova), Giovanni Facchini (University of Nottingham), Alexander Tarasov (HSE University), Gian Luca Tedeschi (University of Nottingham), Cecilia Testa (University of Nottingham)
Discussant: Matteo Gomellini (Banca d’Italia)
The Harvard Economic Service and its barometer: How did businesses use economic information in the interwar US?
Giovanni Favero (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia)
Discussant: Giulia Mancini (Università Tor Vergata)
11:00−11:20 Tea & Coffee break
11:20−13:10 ASE Workshop: Demography and Economic Change in Italian History
Chair: Federico Barbiellini Amidei (Banca d’Italia)
Pandemics and inequality: The Case of Italy
Guido Alfani (Università Bocconi)
Discussant: Graziella Bertocchi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, EIEF)
The Age of Entrepreneurship
Federico Barbiellini Amidei, Matteo Gomellini, Paolo Piselli (Banca d’Italia), Lorenzo Incoronato* (UCL)
Discussant: Maria Stella Chiaruttini (Universität Wien)
Faith and Assimilation: Italian Immigrants in the U.S.
Stefano Gagliarducci (Università di Roma Tor Vergata), Marco Tabellini* (Harvard Business School)
Discussant: Laura Ogliari (Università di Milano)
13:10−14:30 Light lunch
14:30−16:30 ASE General Assembly
14:30−14:00: Francesca Carnevali Prize Award
Chair: Vera Zamagni* (Università di Bologna)

A picture of the ASE Annual Meeting at the Centro Convegni Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.