Eigth ASE Annual Meeting
The eigth ASE Annual Meeting has been held on September 29 and 30, 2023 in Naples at the Department of Economics and Statistics, Federico II University, and Fondazione Banco di Napoli.

The Eigth ASE Annual Meeting has been held on September 29 and 30, 2023 in Naples at the Department of Economics and Statistics, Federico II University (Complesso dei SS. Marcellino e Festo, Largo S. Marcellino 10), and Fondazione Banco di Napoli (Via dei Tribunali, 213).
The Eigth ASE Keynote Lecture was given by professor Robert C. Allen (NYU Abu Dhabi).
The Keynote was followed by the ASE Gianni Toniolo Session, introduced by Ignazio Visco (Governor, Bank of Italy).
Programme (presenters in bold):
Note that each paper of the Parallel Sessions is allocated 45 minutes - 30 for presentation, 15 for discussant and Q&A.
Friday 29
Università Federico II, Complesso dei SS. Marcellino e Festo
Largo S. Marcellino 10
9:30−10:00 Registration
10:00−10:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Aula/Chiesa del Monastero dei Santi Marcellino e Festo
Cristina Mele (Federico II; Rector's delegate for Innovation and Third Mission)
Alessandro Nuvolari (Sant’Anna; ASE President)
Maria Carmela Schisani (Federico II; Local organiser)
10:15−11:45 ASE Economic History Workshop - Parallel Sessions 1
Session 1.A - Aula/Chiesa del Monastero dei Santi Marcellino e Festo
Chair: Francesca Trivellato (IAS)
Investments in East Africa: The Entrepreneurial Development of Eritrea in the Italian Imperial Framework Between Government Action and Spontaneous Initiatives of Emigrated Settlers (1934-1941)
Matteo Nardozi (Sapienza)
Discussant: Andrea Colli (Bocconi)
Justices of the Peace: Legal Foundations of the Industrial Revolution
Tim Besley (LSE), Dan Bogart (UC-Irvine), Jonathan Chapman (Bologna) and Nuno Palma (Manchester)
Discussant: Leonardo Ridolfi (Siena)
Session 1.B - Aula G3
Chair: Alexander Nützenadel (Humboldt)
Electoral Effects of U.S. Soft Power: Evidence from Hollywood Movies in Cold War Italy
Mario Cannella (Bank of Italy) and Matteo Magnaricotte (Chicago)
Discussant: Emanuele Felice (IULM)
Male and Female Self-Selection during the Portuguese Mass Migration, 1885-1930
Martín Fernández and Gaspare Tortorici (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research)
Discussant: Dario Chiaiese (Siena)
11:45-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00−13:30 ASE Economic History Workshop - Parallel Sessions 2
Session 2.A - Aula/Chiesa del Monastero dei Santi Marcellino e Festo
Chair: Federico Barbiellini Amidei (Bank of Italy)
Books Go Public: The Consequences of Monastic Libraries Expropriation on Innovation
Paolo Buonanno, Francesco Cinnirella, Elona Harka and Marcello Puca (Bergamo)
Discussant: Carlo Ciccarelli (Tor Vergata)
Deus Vult! Military Capacity and Economic Development in the Teutonic-Order State
Malnati Flavio (CERGE-EI, Prague)
Discussant: Mauro Rota (Sapienza)
Session 2.B - Aula G3
Chair: Giancarlo Ragozini (Federico II)
Banking Regulation in the 20th Century: A Historical Index
Alexander Nützenadel and Tobias Scheib (Humboldt)
Discussant: Maria Stella Chiaruttini (Vienna)
Nation-Building and Mass Migration: Evidence from Mandatory Palestine
Laura Panza (Melbourne) and Yanos Zylberberg (Bristol)
Discussant: Paolo Di Martino (Torino)
13:30−14:30 Lunch
Fondazione Banco di Napoli
Via dei Tribunali, 213
15:00−15:10 Welcome and Introduction
Orazio Abbamonte (President, Fondazione Banco di Napoli)
15:10−16:30 Eight ASE Keynote Lecture
Chair: Alessandro Nuvolari (Sant’Anna, ASE President)
An Economic History of the Neolithic Revolution
Robert C. Allen (NYU Abu Dhabi)
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00−18:30 ASE Gianni Toniolo Session
Chair: Giovanni Vecchi (Tor Vergata)
Introductory Remarks: Ignazio Visco (Governor, Bank of Italy)
Addresses: Stefano Battilossi (Carlos III), Nicola Rossi (Tor Vergata), Vera Zamagni (Bologna)
18:30-19:30 Visit to "IlCartastorie" - The Museum at the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives
19:30-22:30 ASE Social Dinner
Saturday 30
Università Federico II, Complesso dei SS. Marcellino e Festo
Largo S. Marcellino 10
9:30−11:00 ASE Economic History Workshop - Parallel Sessions 3
Session 3.A - Aula/Chiesa del Monastero dei Santi Marcellino e Festo
Chair: Giuseppe De Luca (Milano)
Wealth Inequality in Sicily: 16th to 18th Centuries
Guido Alfani (Bocconi), Sergio Sardone (Federico II) and Sonia Schifano (Bocconi)
Discussant: Giacomo Gabbuti (Sant'Anna)
Assessing the Magnitude and Determinants of Early Modern Corsican Emigration
Jean-Pascal Bassino (ENS Lyon), Antoine-Marie Graziani (Corsica), and Guillaume Ladmiral (IFRJ UMIFRE19 and Kyoto University)
Discussant: Gaspare Tortorici (LISER)
Session 3.B - Aula G3
Chair: Alberto Rinaldi (Unimore)
A Numerical Revoution: The Diffusion of Practical Mathematics and the Growht of Pre-Modern European Economies
Raffaele Danna (EUI), Martina Iori and Andrea Mina (Sant'Anna Pisa)
Discussant: Francesco Cinnirella (Bergamo)
How to Raise Taxes and Win the Election. Political Competition and the Introduction of Personal Income Tax in Italy 1960s-1980s
Paolo Bozzi (Humboldt)
Discussant: Dario Pellegrino (Bank of Italy)
11:00−11:15 Coffee Break
11:15−13:30 ASE Economic History Workshop - Parallel Sessions 4
Session 4.A - Room Aula/Chiesa del Monastero dei Santi Marcellino e Festo
Chair: Anna Missiaia (Gothenburg)
Wealthy Andalusians. Living standards in Muslim Iberia (950-1150)
António Henriques (GHES; ISEG, U. Lisboa)
Discussant: Giovanni Vecchi (Tor Vergata)
Italy in the Great Divergence: What Can We Learn from Engel’s Law?
David Chilosi (King’s College London) and Carlo Ciccarelli (Tor Vergata)
Discussant: Brian A'Hearn (Oxford)
A Country for Incumbents? Evidence on Manufacturing Investments in Italy in the XX Century
Dario Pellegrino (Bank of Italy)
Discussant: Michelangelo Vasta (Siena)
Session 4.B - Aula G3
Chair: Sergio Sardone (Federico II)
Female Labour Force Participation and Fertility in Italian History
Federico Barbiellini Amidei, Sabrina Di Addario, Matteo Gomellini and Paolo Piselli (Bank of Italy)
Discussant: Giulia Mancini (Sassari)
The Legacy of Feudalism and Sicilian Low Social Capital
Caterina Alfonzo (Bologna) and Mara Squicciarini (Bocconi)
Discussant: Gabriele Cappelli (Siena)
The "Miracle" of Creative Destruction
Nicola Rossi (Tor Vergata)
Discussant: Fabio Lavista (Pisa)
13:30−14:30 Lunch
14:30-14:45 Francesca Carnevali Prize Award
Chair: Maria Carmela Schisani (Federico II)
14:45−16:30 ASE General Assembly
Local Organiser:
Maria Carmela Schisani, Department of Economics and Statistics, Federico II University
Contacts & Registration:
Giacomo Gabbuti (ASE Scientific Secretariat)
ase@santannapisa.it; http://www.associazionestoriaeconomica.com/-/

A moment of the visit to the Historical Archive of Fondazione Banco di Napoli